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Trust Your Gut: 5 Ways to Improve Digestion and Gut Health

According to Forbes, more and more scientific evidence is showing the vital influence of digestive health on obesity, inflammation, and other ailments.

Your gut health has ripple effects that affect the health of every other part of your body. No matter what your challenges, improving your digestion can help you to stay healthy.

To learn everything you need to know about how to improve digestion and why it’s important, read our quick summary!

How Can You Recognize an Unhealthy Gut?

Recognizing whether or not your digestion could use a tune-up can be tricky, but you can figure it out by looking for these simple signs.

Unable to Digest Certain Foods

If your stomach seems to lack the digestive power to handle certain foods, that can be a sign that your gut health is off balance. Correcting it can strengthen your digestive power and allow you to eat more worry-free.

Trouble Fighting Off Illnesses

As we saw before, your gut health can end up affecting everything else in your body. Your immune system relies on the energy that your digestive system produces.

If your immune system doesn’t seem to be quite what it used to be, you may have some gut health issues.

Unexplained Weight Change

Under normal conditions, we expect to gain weight when we eat more and we expect to lose weight when we eat less.

However, digestion can be complicated. The connection between how much you eat and how much you weigh can be thrown off by gut health issues. If you find your weight fluctuating in a confusing way, your digestion may be the cause.

Trouble Sleeping or Feeling Refreshed

Your body can rest easy when your digestive system is functioning smoothly. If you find it difficult to achieve restful sleep, gut health might be the reason.

Even if you can get to sleep, you might wake up not feeling refreshed. Optimizing your gut health can help make sure your sleep is maximally restful.

Upset Stomach

The clearest sign of gut health issues can be a stomach that gets your attention with bloating, gas, or discomfort. If your stomach seems to have difficulty digesting normal quantities of typical food, it may be underperforming due to a gut health problem.

Ways to Improve Digestion

Using the following digestive health tips can help you eliminate all the symptoms and signs discussed above.

Enjoying better digestion comes down mostly to what you eat and how.

1. Natural Digestive Aids

Natural digestion helpers like garlic can be a great way to empower your digestive system! Garlic can help stimulate your stomach to get it ready to digest food, so it may be helpful to eat some before a meal.

On top of that, garlic has antibiotic properties and can help regulate your blood pressure. It’s a real superfood!

High fiber foods or vitamin supplements supplements can also help clean out your digestive tract and keep everything functioning smoothly.

Broccoli, beans, and avocados are all great foods that are high in fiber. Whole grains and apples are other great choices. Bran and prunes are excellent sources of fiber that help promote general digestive health.

2. Use Probiotics

Your body contains a store of good bacteria that it uses to help digest food. If that good bacteria is getting low or is imbalanced by the presence of bad bacteria, then it may need some rebalancing.

Probiotics contain good bacteria and help to restore gut health to its former glory. According to Healthline, probiotics are living organisms. When taken in the right amount, they help return your biome to its natural balance.

3. Change How and When You Eat

You might think that your digestive health is all about what you eat, but the timing of meals can also make a difference.

A weak digestive system needs some breaks to help it get ready for the next meal. Try to have a few hours between meals and snacks so your gut can rest.

When you do eat, do so methodically and slowly. Chewing your food thoroughly can help ease the digestive burden on your stomach. Making sure you eat carefully can lower the stress of the entire process.

Try to eat while you’re as relaxed as possible and not dealing with stressful situations. The whole body is connected, so if your mind and body are tension-free, your stomach will be better able to digest.

4. Change What You Eat

Some foods can be hard to digest or even weaken your digestive strength.

Fried foods and dairy products can be too much for some stomachs to easily digest.

Alcohol, processed foods, and sugar can have unexpected effects on your gut biome. Sugar can help grow bad bacteria and alcohol can kill good bacteria. If your stomach needs to build its strength back up, go easy on it by avoiding these items.

5. Drink Water to Stay Hydrated

Every function in your body requires water, and especially digestion. Staying well-hydrated can help your digestive system to function correctly, as well as make sure the rest of your body is happy and stress-free.

If you’re looking for how to restore gut health, drinking water is one of the surest ways there is.

Some people recommend not drinking water right before a meal. For a few minutes after drinking, it may be a little more difficult for your body to digest food.

Keep Your Body in Top Shape

We hope you learned something valuable about how to improve digestion in this piece. Tuning up your gut health is one of many ways to enjoy excellent health.

To learn more about how to improve the health and functioning of every part of your body, check out our other pieces!

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